Letra de Martin Sheen Or JFK de Yellowcard

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Letra de Martin Sheen Or JFK de Yellowcard

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 28 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Here it is
One more glass for these broken hands
Goes down for you
I've fallen in
I sink then swallow
I never meant
To see this through


I'm taking them all
I'm taking them all back for good
To a place where I know that I'm safe
Then I can fall
Then I could fall where I should
In this bottle with all my mistakes

All the days
Since I've landed
I've lost the way
To find my truth
You float away
And leave me stranded
What's left to say
I'll hurt for you


I could sleep
But when I wake here
You'd still be gone
And you're my air
I could breathe
If you would've stay here
Another song
So I could stare

I could sleep
But when I wake here
You'd still be gone
And you're my air
I could breathe
If you would've stay here
Another song
So I could stare

[Chorus X2]


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