Letra de Lights And Sounds de Yellowcard

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Letra de Lights And Sounds de Yellowcard

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 28 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Hello, you, how was the rest?
You made it through, but nevertheless
I got you out on a wire.
You be love and I’ll be a liar.

Tell it all and fill up the air,
But make it loud cause nobody’s there
And nobody’s there
And nobody’s there

Stop, turn, take a look around
At all the lights and sounds.
Let them bring you in.
Slow burn, let it all fade out,
Pull the curtain down.
I wonder where you’ve been?

Make it new, but stay in the lines.
Just let go, but keep it inside.
Smile big for everyone,
Even when you know what they’ve done.
They gave you the end but not where to start;
Not how to build, how to tear it apart.

So tell it all and fill up the air,
But make it loud 'cause nobody’s there
And nobody’s there
And nobody’s there


I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way and you know how.

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way and you know how.

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way and you know how.

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way and you know how.

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way

Stop, turn, take a look around
At all the lights and sounds.
Let them bring you in.
Slow burn, let it all fade out,
Pull the curtain down.
I wonder where you've been?


You earned everything you found,
And painted faces frown.
I'll say I knew you when...


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