Letra de Vagabond de Wolfmother

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Letra de Vagabond de Wolfmother

Escrito por JoacoP
Miercoles, 6 Diciembre 2006


0 Votos

Oh girl I don't know all the reasons why,
I found the answer lookin' in your eye,
I go out walking all day long,
Take away this lonely man soon he will be gone,

Cause I'll tell you everything about living free,
Yes I can see you girl can you see me,

You don't need to know what I do all day,
It's as much as I know watch it waste away,

Cause I'll tell you everything about living free,
Yes I can see you girl can you see me,

Go and see the sorcerer look into a ball,
You may find the answer written on the wall,

The left one was a dancer can you see the answer, Oh

Put her in a mansion on top of the hill,
Please don't make her do things against her will,
I found something special I don't know why,
Looking into her pretty little eye,

Cause I'll tell you everything about living free


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