Letra de Don't Slow Down de UB40

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Letra de Don't Slow Down de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

You might believe, and still you feel the chase has just begun.
That you must reach that horizon before the setting of the sun.
You chase the light in front of you, nightfall close behind.
If you stop to catch your breath, you know what you will find.

Don't slow down don't touch the ground.
You know what you will find.
That old grey man in tattered clothes following behind.

No time to stop, don't go to sleep, prepare to pay the cost.
The hours and minutes are passing by, another day is lost.
Impatience is a virtue, catch me if you can.
The seconds have been ticking by since your life began.


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