Letra de Don't Blame Me de UB40

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Letra de Don't Blame Me de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

I think its only fair to say
We'd welcome riches down our way
No stigma knotted in my hair
I want to be a millionaire

Nevertheless I must insist
A thought is spared for those who missed
The handouts when it came to wealth
To education and good health

The time has come now all can see
As seeing this is killing me
our future victim to command
Together we can lend a hand

So don't blame me for wanting more
The facts are too hard too ignore
I'm scared to death of poverty
I only want whats best for me

But even so I'm holding on
I think the world can live as one
If only credence took the lead
The world would see a world to feed

An endless sea of blood that's spilt
Enough to sail an ark of guilt
And when we lend our helping hand
We'll have our green and pleasant land


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