Letra de All I Want To Do de UB40

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Letra de All I Want To Do de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

I don't like the work but true i need the money
My life is like a joke but to me is isn't funny
People all around, telling me what to do
And all I want to do is stay at home with you

Time after time I say to myself
Working all my life isn't good for my health
Get old, get tired, get put on the shelf
I do all the work, someone else gets all the wealth
Wish I was on an island in the sun
Where I wouldn't have to worry how to get things done

I don't like the work but true i need the money
My life is like a joke but to me is isn't funny
People all around, telling me what to do
And all I want to do is stay at home with you

Day after day becomes more of a grind
Bills pile up, moneys harder to find
Trying to get ahead money's harder to find
If I don't give it up I'm gonna lose my mind
Wish I was on an Island in the sun
Where I wouldn't have to worry how to get things done

I don't like the work but true i need the money
My life is like a joke but to me is isn't funny
People all around, telling me what to do
And all I want to do is stay at home with you


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