Letra de It's A Long Long Way de UB40

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Letra de It's A Long Long Way de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


1 Votos

It's a long long way from here
Don't you worry yourself my dear
It's a long long way from here

Drought and famine in TV land
Read the sunday papers credit card ina your hand
Sing your song of freedom just to ease your troubled mind
And save your guilty pennies for the ones you leave behind

The burden that you carry from the cradle to the grave
Is like a badge of honour that you wear upon your sleeve
You make your contribution and you shed a little tear
And stage your celebration just to show how much you care

You obscure your stolen power with hypocrisy and lies
Your talk of understanding is a wafer thin disguise
You glorify my image but deny me flesh and blood
You radiate with goodness when you here me beg for food

Those rivers of blood will flow again
Someone changed the lyrics but the song remains the same
You can build a wall of protocol to keep the wolves at bay
But history dictates that someone has to pay

It's a long long way from here
Don't you worry yourself my dear
It's a long long way from here


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