Letra de Bring Me Your Cup de UB40

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Letra de Bring Me Your Cup de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Did I ever say, how I feel about you
A thing I never found that easy to do
The things that you do, don't need to be heard
You know your actions, baby, speak louder than words

I've got the bottle, bring me your cup
Pop the cork, and try a sup
And when you're empty, I'll fill you up
We'll drink it down till the sun comes up

I'm heading home, like a steaming train
Foot to the floor, in the driving rain
My head is aching and my mouth is dry
I've got a thirst only you can satisfy

I've got the bottle, bring me your cup
Pop the cork and try a sup
And when you're empty, I'll fill you up
We'll drink it down till the sun comes up


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