Letra de Promises And Lies de UB40

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Letra de Promises And Lies de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

All the sorrow and the pain
All the sacrifice in vain
I was much too blind to see
You make a loser out of me
You put me down for oh so long
While you sang your serpent's song

The rest is history
You can do no more to me
I've been down so low
Had nowhere left to go
I could see it in your eyes
All your promises were lies
Promises and lies

Your cut was quick and deep
But then you thought you'd never need a friend
But all things change, and tides must turn
And you let all your bridges burn
Too many fatal wounds to heal

The rest is history
You can do no more to me
I've been down so low
Had nowhere left to go
I could see it in your eyes
All your promises were lies
Promises and lies


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