Letra de Desert Sand de UB40

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Letra de Desert Sand de UB40

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

You tell me there's no darkness
While the sun shines down on you
And just because your life is peaceful
There's no fighting left to do
For every cup that runneth over
Many more are filled with pain
You talk to me of sunshine
When it's pouring down with rain

Just because you can't see it
Doesn't mean it isn't there
Just because it can't touch you
Doesn't mean you shouldn't care
For every life that's lit with love
Many more are racked with pain
You talk to me of sunshine
When it's pouring down with rain

It's a long black night, good people
Descended on our land
Share your light
Make a flower grow
In the desert sand


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