Letra de King Of Pain de The Police

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Letra de King Of Pain de The Police

Escrito por rguntin
Martes, 5 Diciembre 2006


0 Votos

There's a little black spot on the sun today
That's my soul up there.
It's the same old thing as yesterday
That's my soul up there.
There's a black hat caught in a high tree top
That's my soul up there.
There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop
That's my soul up there.

I have stood here before in the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain.
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign,
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain...

There's a fossil that's trapped in a high cliff wall
There's a dead salmon frozen in a waterfall
There's a blue whale beached by a springtime's ebb
There's a butterfly trapped in a spider's web

There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out
There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt
There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed
There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread

There's a red fox torn by a huntsman's pack
There's a black-winged gull with a broken back
There's a little black spot on the sun today.
It's the same old thing as yesterday,
That's my soul up there.......................

I have stood here before in the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain.
I guess I always thought you could end this reign,
But it's my destiny to be the king of pain.............

I'll always be king of pain........................


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