Letra de KRS-One de Sublime

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Letra de KRS-One de Sublime

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 21 Febrero 2007


0 Votos

In school they never taught 'bout hamburgers or steak,
Elijah Muhammad or the welfare state.
But I know.
And I know because of KRS-ONE.
Yeah and I know
And I know because of KRS-ONE.

Because he's droppin', droppin', droppin' science, droppin history
With a whole leap of style and intelligency
Yes, I know.
I know because of KRS-ONE
Yeah, and I know
I know because of KRS-ONE.

Because we don't want to pay money to hear the same old sounds.
Watch him, he'll take hip-hop to a higher ground.
And I know
(How do I know?)
And I know because of KRS-ONE.
Yeah, and I know
And I know because of KRS-ONE.

And I know
And I know because of KRS-ONE.
And I know
And I know


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