Letra de New Song de Sublime

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Letra de New Song de Sublime

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 21 Febrero 2007


0 Votos

I heard that payback's a mother fuckin' bitch
But I won't stress and I won't switch
And I would not take my life
Glory please, my God, the only thing on my mind
Takes up all of my time,
And I said, ooh!

Running from a gun
Or some brain that ways a ton
And my God, it hurts to get so low
Searchin' through the cars
Cold, still searchin' through the night
I think I will run, to you, but I refuse to fuss and fight

And God may find a reason
Well I'm sure you'll find a rhyme
Because it takes up nearly all my time
He who stands for freedom
God knows I've got the number
But maybe I just use too much

I was sitting in that bar
I'm sittin' in that stolen car
Cold, still rollin' down the boulevard
Saw you with a gleam
And the microphone scene

'Think I will run, to you
But I know I won't live for me
Cause I know God's got both, the reason and the rhyme
Please tell me, why he takes up all my time
I've been drinking, just like you
And baby, you've got something I can use

Payback's a mother fuckin' blast
But I won't stress and I won't blast
And I would not take my life
Glory please, my God, comin' from heaven above
Takes up all of my time
And I said

"Why must I feel like that"
Running from a gun
And some brain that ways a ton
You know, I did that line for Flava' Flave

But, all the D.J.'s do it
All the D.J.'s use it
I would run, I would switch
But I wanna be the same

And I know I'll find a reason
'Cause I always bust a rhyme
Because it takes up nearly all my time
The "T" hear stands for treason
The "D" hear stands for dove

And maybe I just use too,
Maybe I'm just used too much


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