Letra de Right Back de Sublime

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Letra de Right Back de Sublime

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 21 Febrero 2007


0 Votos

Sleepin by yourself at night can make you feel alone
Your girl friend said so but I don't really know
That don't mean we fucked around that night last week when you left town

I was tweakin by myself one night that's when I wrote this tune
Didn't have no need for that bed in my hotel room
Sometimes right now since I've left the pen
I feel like I'm right back there again

Sometimes I pray, waiting waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun and I'm right back right back where I'm from

Sleepin by yourself at night can make you feel alone
My girlfriend said so, she's a little ho
That don't mean I **** around, I like to keep that higher ground

Sometimes I pray, waiting waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun and I'm right back right back where I'm from
Don't tease me, don't tease me, don't tease
Sometimes I pray, waiting waiting for some bright holiday
So I bought myself a gun and I'm right back right back where I'm from


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