Letra de Jonathon Fisk de Spoon

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Letra de Jonathon Fisk de Spoon

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 13 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Maybe you remember maybe you’re locked away
maybe we’ll meet again some better day some better life

mmmm jonathon fisk speaks with his fists
can’t let me walk home on my own
and just like a knife down on my life
so many ways to set me right

it’s such a long way home
it’s how the story goes
and it’s like atom bombs and blunt razors
atom bombs and blunt razors

jonathon then says it’s a sin
but he don’t think twice cause to him
religion don’t mean a thing
it’s just another way to be right wing
just like a knife down on my life
so many ways to set it right
that’s how it goes that’s how the story goes

it’s such a long way home
you’re too old to understand
cause i just want to get home now
i just want to get home now

jonathon’s right down on my life
so many ways to set me right
on the long walk home
that’s how the story goes
and jonathon fisk always a risk
tells me he counts my teeth every night
i want to get them all back now
i want to get them all back
and i want to turn him around


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