Letra de Chicago At Night de Spoon

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Letra de Chicago At Night de Spoon

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 13 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Now when she went to chicago that night she faced a wall
and she woke up outside with all those leaves in her mouth
and felt the pall
and all night the rain came on down
but then she’d never been to chicago at night before the fall
and it don’t stop not at all
it falls all around
in the city
hits the ground

and now everybody’s at disadvantage
speaking with their second language
she’d never been there before they went and set up the wall
and though nobody’d expected much from this reinvention
she still broke right down after all
because she knew that it was all over and we’d hit a wall
and like the fall this was all
now it’s all around
in the city
on the ground

and now everybody’s at disadvantage
speaking with their second language

and i never been to the wall
never been to the wall
never been to the wall
never been to the wall
never been to the wall
never been to the wall
never been to the wall


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