Letra de Plastic Mylar de Spoon

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Letra de Plastic Mylar de Spoon

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 12 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Inside the wall, i wasn't sure
way things turned-out was, best they could be.
I'm working today and yesterday
still got some time and i can have something i'd live for
well are you part of the motion-ment
i wanna be part of the movement too
i just don't find myself giving a ****
about the things that, i have to do
when i see ya
when it gets you like it's got me
it cuts my teeth and then it, like i said
when i first saw her i thought i knew her
now i know i don't, just wish i did
and she could be able to take me far
so come over my house and say
save my life,
plastic mylar
i'm assuming you'll put me right
i'm assuming you're not a
and she's got a place that is cool so far
and i haven't seen her perfections for my
plastic mylar
i'm assuming you'll put me right
i'm assuming you're out of sight
to john david, and sean and d
rocky and lou and, kim and her sister
two jobs later, jerry b.
Ratour magalinto, marilyn ruth
well are you part of the motion-ment
i wanna be part of that movement too
i just don't find myself giving a ...
About the things that, i have to do
when i see ya
when it gets you like it's got me
it cuts my teeth and then it, like i said
when i first saw her i thought i knew her
now i know i don't, just wish i did
and she could be able to take me far
so come over my house and say
save my life,
plastic mylar
i'm assuming you'll put me right
i'm assuming you're outta
and she's got a place that is cool so far
and i haven't seen her perfections for my
plastic mylar
i'm assuming you'll put me right
i am assuming you're out of sight


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