Letra de Idiot Driver de Spoon

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Letra de Idiot Driver de Spoon

Escrito por Javier
Lunes, 12 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Every time the titans push over
all the punks are thick on the ground
but in the bike lane, you think it over
turn in your tank and turn around
idiot driver
idiot drive
she swears that i know her
why don't you turn over
enterprise, yeah man i know what it's like
way to get from a to b
when they can't take it, slow down the harbor
go get the car keys, play the blues
set, new wave,
set, three four,
set, one two, three four
she's waking up, right now with,
him, it just makes me sick
yeah cause the highway, is your girlfriend
and it goes by quick
it goes
idiot driver
idiot drive
i'm stuck all alone and
i wanna turn over


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