Letra de Whatevers Left de Snow Patrol

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Letra de Whatevers Left de Snow Patrol

Escrito por Napo
Jueves, 15 Febrero 2007


0 Votos

It's a feeling I've had many times before
I can't hold the fort so don't give me more
I struggle and sweat when I'm wide awake
When I know I'm fine, I'm not used to fine

It's the same thing again
But it could become a problem if
We don't deal with it now
And you blast off in another rant
I've not opened my mouth
Can you read my mind so easily
As the madness sets in
You must know that I'll follow you

A sudden movement and a broken limb
The patches are there to show where I'm hit
My fault is it now well that's news to me
Curled and joyless we try once again


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