Letra de Another Love Song de Queens of the Stone Age

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Letra de Another Love Song de Queens of the Stone Age

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 15 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

You're so impossible
Scream and moan it chills my soul
Don't wanna hear you got left behind
All those times you stayed up and cried
It's no lie
You did it to yourself
Like chewed up gum under my shelf
Don't look surprised
You must have know all along

It's just another love song
Another love song

It's never easy
It's not hard
When you've lost your mind
With you it's sleezy
Don't tell me your worries
I'm sick, I'll leave you blind
Now the time has come
To leave this love that's left you dry
No need to work this out now
Cause you know there's no reason why

It's just another love song
Another love song

I never told you it would last forever
You can't hold this boy for long, dig it
By the time you read my letter
Baby, I'll be gone

You're just another love song
Another love song


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