Letra de The Sky Is Fallin'' de Queens of the Stone Age

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Letra de The Sky Is Fallin'' de Queens of the Stone Age

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 15 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

The sky is falling
Human race that we run
It left me crawling
Staring straight at the sun
Only a moment I notice
Every dog has his day
I paid attention
Cost me so much to today

For so long
I saw only wrong
But now to remind
It's a waste of time

Close your eyes and see
the skies are falling

I wanted something
Nothing blank I don't know
It's all deflecting
Stones are easy to throw
Only a moment I notice
Hours, days left behind
Of wasted, useless
Selfless, none of a kind

For so long
I saw only wrong
But now to remind
Not to go back to the low
That has drained my life so low
That has drained my life so low
That has drained my life so low

Close your eyes and see
the skies are falling


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