Letra de Leg of Lamb de Queens of the Stone Age

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Letra de Leg of Lamb de Queens of the Stone Age

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 15 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

You’re a head case with a smile
Can’t stop to make up your mind
Education is so lame (so lame)
When you bitch and you moan
You’re a loose girl, I’m a guy (hey)
You’re a truth freak with a lie
The situation is so strange
It’s a tv show

In a hotel on the phone
You’re gonna leave me, should have known
And I was thinkin, it’s so sad
I didn’t want you to go
Don’t wanna follow the laws of man
Bloody apron, leg of lamb
It’s so hard to win
When there’s so much to lose

Infiltrate the walls that are caving in
It ain’t a bad thing
This ain’t reality
Infiltrate the walls that are caving in
It ain’t a bad thing
Because it is natural

Second Avenue, raising Cain
I’m a sinner, ring my bell (hey man)
I’ll tell you what, I get up
If I knew I fell


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