Letra de Post Blue de Placebo

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Letra de Post Blue de Placebo

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 15 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

It's in the water baby
It's in the pills that bring you down
It's in the water baby
It's in your bag of golden brown
It's in the water baby
It's in your frequency
It's in the water baby
It's between you and me

It's in the water baby
It's in the pills that pick you up
It's in the water baby
It's in the special way we ****
It's in the water baby
It's in your family tree
It's in the water baby
It's between you and me

Bite the hand that feeds
Tap the vein that bleeds
Down on my bended knees

I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you

It's in the water baby
It's in the pills that bring you down
It's in the water baby
It's in your bag of golden brown
It's in the water baby
It's in your frequency
It's in the water baby
It's between you and me

Bite the hand that feeds
Tap the vein that bleeds
Down on my bended knees

I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you
I break the back of love for you


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