Letra de Digsy's Dinner de Oasis

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Letra de Digsy's Dinner de Oasis

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

What a life it would be
If you would come to mine for tea
I'll pick you up at half past three
And we'll have lasagne
I'll treat you like a Queen
I'll give you strawberries and cream
And then your friends will all go green
For my lasagne

These could be the best days of our lives
But I don't think we've been living very wise
Oh no! no!

What a life it would be
If you would come to mine for tea
I'll pick you up at half past three
And we'll have lasagne

These could be the best days of our lives
But I don't think we've been living very wise
Oh no! no!

What a life it would be
If you would come to mine for tea
I'll pick you up at half past three
And we'll have lasagne
I'll treat you like a Queen
I'll give you strawberries and cream
And then your friends will all go green
For my lasagne


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