Letra de Rock'n'Roll Star de Oasis

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Letra de Rock'n'Roll Star de Oasis

Escrito por JoacoP
Jueves, 22 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Live my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
Need some time in the sunshine
Gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me

I live my life for the stars that shine
People say it's just a waste of time
When they said I should feed my head
That to me was just a day in bed
I'll take my car and drive real far
To where they're not concerned about the way we are
Cos in my mind my dreams are real
Are you concerned about the way I feel

Tonight I'm a rock n roll star

Live my life in the city
There's no easy way out
The day's moving just too fast for me
Need some time in the sunshine
Gotta slow it right down
The day's moving just too fast for me

Tonight I'm a rock n roll star


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  Kurt Cobain
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  Freddie Mercury
  Michael Jackson
  Eric Clapton
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  Jimmy Page
  Bob Dylan
  Jim Morrison
  Roger Waters
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