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Letra de Mr. Moon de Mando Diao
Mr Moon, Mr Moon, maybe your time is coming
Mr Moon, Mr Moon, what’s happening in that room
Well search your heart, before you die, before your time fades away
It was given as a promise to each and every man
“I wanna love you but I’m growing old
ten little soldiers’ screaming in my soul”
Will she come over when it’s time to go
Come on and show me little drummerboy, Mr Moon
Sad but true, sad but true, you’re telling me what to do
I’ve learned my lesson, that stupid question, now it hurts my pride
And you’re a girl, a serious girl, showing me the world
Oh my love, you’re so tired, but you must think quiet
“I wanna love you…
“I wanna love you but I’m growing old
ten little soldiers’ screaming in my soul”
The day is using up its final breath
I’ve never been so sure I’ve never doubted you, Mr Moon
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