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Letra de The Ocean de Led Zeppelin
[Count-In: John Bonham] - "We've done four already but now we're steady
and then they went: One, two, three, four"
Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain
Hitting on the moonshine, rocking in the grain
Ain't no time to pack my bag, my foots outside the door
Got a date, I can't be late, for the high hopes hailla ball.
Singing to an ocean, I can hear the ocean's roar
Play for free, play for me and play a whole lot more, more!
Singing about good things and the sun that lights the day
I used to sing on the mountains, has the ocean lost it's way.
Sitting round singing songs 'til the night turns into day
Used to sing on the mountains but the mountains washed away
Now I'm singing all my songs to the girl who won my heart
She is only three years old and it's a real fine way to start.
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esta cancion me encanta, es una de mis favoritas de led. led zeppelin es perfeccion o lo mas parecido a la perfeccion, un hechicero tocaba la guitarra, un mistico era el dueño de la voz, la fuerza en la bateria, y la elegancia en el bajo..
Buen tema sobre too el solo q se manda jimmy page en ese tema xDDDDDDDd
excelente cancion :B