Letra de Alive de Korn

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Letra de Alive de Korn

Escrito por JoacoP
Viernes, 1 Diciembre 2006


1 Votos

I can not ever find a way
To throw these darkened thoughts away
Need a place to hide
Its thrown in my face everyday
Guess thats the price I have to pay
For whats inside my mind


I am alive
I will never run away
Places inside
My heart screams inside with pride
Once I cried
Now I wipe away the tears
Once I died
Now I'm alive


Little things tempt me everyday
Lots of pain is how I like to play
Better not cross that line
Voices in my head have to be saved
Its something I cant throw away
Whats inside my mind
I am alive
I will never run away
Places inside
My heart screams inside with pride
Once I cried
Now I wipe away the tears
Once I died
Now I'm alive

I bide my time
I'm intertwined
I'm falling in this place I thought I left behind
(feeling so alive)


I am alive
I will never run away
Places inside
My heart screams inside with pride
Once I cried
Now I wipe away the tears
Once I died
Now I'm alive


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22 Ene 2008 korniguana@hotnail.com
aguante KORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin
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