Letra de Predictable de Korn

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Letra de Predictable de Korn

Escrito por JoacoP
Viernes, 1 Diciembre 2006


0 Votos


I can, in every way
Mistake the pain I feel inside
It comes to me
Evil thoughts is creeping through my mind
Who are you to say that I can't speak what's on my mind?
It runs away
It's so predictable

I can, in every way, feel the stress that tangles up inside
Too blind to see, emptiness and sorrow of their lives
You run away to the cover of their pointless ties
You ask me?
It's so predictable

I'm gonna try
I'm gonna die
I'm gonna try

another day
Silence overwhelms my mind
who is to say
If I have the time, oh why
should I pray
for all the hate to go away
another day
I can never break free
You wait for me
I call out to you
Another day
I'll live forever!


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