Letra de You're So Great de Blur

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Letra de You're So Great de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Sad, drunk and poorly

Sleeping really late

Sad, drunk and poorly

Not feeling so great

Wandering lost in a town full of frowns

Sad, drunk and poorly

Dogs digging up the ground

And I feel the light in the night and in the day

And I feel the light when the sky's just mud and grey

And I feel the light when you tell me it's OK

Cause you're so great, and I love you

Tea, tea and coffee helps to start the day

Tea, tea and coffee shaking all the way

City's alive and, surprise, so am I

Tea, tea and coffee get no sleep today

And I feel the light in the night and in the day

And I feel the light when the sky's just mud and grey

And I feel the light when you tell me it's OK

Cause you're so great and I love you


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