Letra de Country Sad Ballad Man de Blur

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Letra de Country Sad Ballad Man de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


1 Votos

Yeah, I found nowhere

It got to know me

Let me sleep all day

Spend the money

I haven't felt my legs

Since the summer

And I don't call my friends

Forgot their numbers

VIP 223

I had my chances

Or did they have me

Now stay up nights, watch TV

I'm country sad

I'm a ballad man

I'm on a comeback roll

Yeah, I'm a blizzard

And in my motor home

Sweat on my pillow all night

VIP 223

I've had my chances

And they had me

Now stay up nights, watch TV

I'm country sad

I'm a ballad man

VIP 223

I've had my chances

And they had me

Now stay up nights

Watch TV

I'm country sad

I'm a ballad man

I feel nothing cause I'm a ballad man

I don't have money cause I'm a ballad man

I will never give in cause I'm a ballad man

I make a perfect cause I'm a


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