Letra de Sweet Song de Blur

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Letra de Sweet Song de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

What am I to do
Someone here is really not happy
Put myself on a line
It seems I never got through to you
So I wean myself off slowly

I'm a darkened soul
My streets all pop music and gold
Our lives are on TV
You switch off and try to sleep
People get so lonely

I believe I believe I believe
Everything's out to sea
I believe I believe I believe I believe
That is the way it should be
I hope you feel the same

Everyone is dying
Stop crying now here comes the sun
I didn't mean to hurt you no no no
It takes time to see what you have done
So I wean myself off slowly

I believe I believe I believe
Love is the only one
I deceive I deceive I deceive I deceive
Cos' I'm not that strong
Hope you feel the same

And now it seems that we're falling apart
But I hope I see the good in you come back again
I just believed in you


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