Letra de Theme From An Imaginary Film de Blur

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Letra de Theme From An Imaginary Film de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


1 Votos

What if I told you I love you
What if I called you in rhythm
In this world there's nothing left
Well nothing that's new

What if I told you without
Loving is simply a lie
Although she moves into the night
Oh, tell me you're mine
Please say it's true

Oh, shame it's over
I was the light and the days of them all
Well push me over
I'm flat on my back but I'm having a ball
And just look whose laughing

What if I flew like a dove dear
What if I would you in rhythm
There's nothing left
Nothing that's good left for me now

Oh,I'll just go and sleep with strangers
I'll live like a lord in a tower
Cos in the city there's too mich air
That I can't dream at night
Well not anymore

Oh, shame it's over
It been such fun and we had a ball
Well push me over
But I'll be the last people to fall
Well just look whose laughing

Oh shame it's over
How like a cow bloated on grass
Well, push me over
Me on my back and you on your arse
Such a shame it's all over
There are so feel days left to grasp
So push me over
We on our back and you on your lazy arse
Well just look whose laughing


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