Letra de Maggie May de Blur

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Letra de Maggie May de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Wake up Maggie
I think I've got something to say toyou
It's late September
And I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused
But I feel I'm being used
Oh, Maggie I couldn't have tried anymore

You led me away from hme
Just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and
That's what really hurts

All I needed was a friend of lend a guiding hand
It's learning to a lover and
Mother what a lover and you wore me out
All you do is wreck my bed
And in the morning kickme in the head
Oh, Maggie I couldn't have tried anymore

You led me away from home
Just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart
I couldn't leave if I tried

I suppose I could collect my books and go back to school
I'll steal my dad's cue
And make a iving out of playing pool
I'll find myself a rock n roll band
That needs a helping hand
Oh, Maggie,I wish I'd never seen you face

You made a first class fool of me
But I'm as blind as a fool can be
You stole my heart
But I love you anyway


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