Letra de Peach de Blur

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Letra de Peach de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Chemical waste
Best part of the beach
You're always the way you are
What of that going to close you in
You got a gaping hole in your head
I'd let the birds nest there instead
Aha aha aha aha

A gun in your pocket
& hair in a locket
Around you neck
From the girl you once loved
Where's she now, you've gone crazed
You've got a gaping hole in your head
I'd let the birds nest there instead
Aha aha aha aha

You've got a gaping hold in your head
I'd let the birds nest there instead [X4]
Aha aha aha aha


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