Letra de Mace de Blur

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Letra de Mace de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Pedaling on a bicycle
I'm on my way to make a call
I've tried to touch you
Through the double glazing
But the curtains were drawn & the family out the away

You used to know but now you don't [X3]
No one can see when they've got mist in their eyes

They're papering the wall and the windows
No logic here in or out
The heatings on and I'm feeling drowsy
I fall asleep and dream of burning down the house

You used to know but now you don't [X3]
No one can see when they've got mist in their eyes

I'm pedaling on my bicycle
I'm on my way to make a call
The sun is out and I'm feeling drowsy
I fall asleep and dream of burning down the house

You used to know but now you don't [X6]
No one can see when they've got mist in the eyes


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