Letra de Dan Abnormal de Blur

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Letra de Dan Abnormal de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Meanie Leanie come on down
Come and entertain the town
It's friday night and we're all bored
Times being called there is no more
Times being called it's such a bore

Dan Abnormal not normal at all
It's not his fault we made him this way
He'll imitate you, try to ape you
But it's not his fault Dan watches tv, tv, tv

Meanie Leanie stays up late
Mopes around gets in a state
The killer in your arcade
Shooting gangstas ready made
Cause that is where the future's made

Dan Abnormal not normal at all
It's not his fault we made him this way
He'll imitate you, try to ape you
But it's not his fault Dan watches tv, tv, tv

Dan went to his local burger bar
I want mcnormal and chips
Or I'll blow you to bits
Give us it

It's the miseries at half past three
Watching video nasties
He has dirty dreams when he's asleep
Dan's just like you and me
He's the Meanie Leanie

Dan Abnormal not normal at all
It's not his fault we made him this way
He'll imitate you, try to ape you
But it's not his fault Dan watches tv, tv, tv
Dan Abnormal not normal at all
It's not his fault we made him this way
He'll imitate you, try to ape you
But it's not his fault Dan's as normal as me


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