Letra de It Could Be You de Blur

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Letra de It Could Be You de Blur

Escrito por rguntin
Jueves, 16 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

Churchill got his lucky number but tomorrow there's another
Could be me, could be you, no silver spoon
Sticky teeth they rot too soon
You've got to have the best tunes or that's it, you've blown it

All we want is to be happy in our homes like happy families
Be the man on the beach with the world at his feet
Yes, it could be you, ohoh oh

The likely lads are picking up the uglies
Yesterday they were just puppies
Beery slurs now life's a blur
Telly addicts
You should seem that at it
Getting in a panic
Will we be there?
Trafalgar square

All we want is to be happy in our homes like happy families
Be the man on the beach with the world at his feet
Yes, it could be you

Could be me, could be you
Could be me, could be you

Could be me, could be you
Could be me, could be you, could be you, could be you

Don't worry, if it's not your lucky number
Because tomorrow there is another
Could be you, could be me

All we want is to be happy in our homes like happy families
Be the man on the beach with the world at his feet
Yes, it could be you, ohoh oh


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