Letra de Seed to a Tree de Blind Melon

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Letra de Seed to a Tree de Blind Melon

Escrito por Javier
Miercoles, 14 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

As I shit, I sit and wonder why
My floor is so cold and my back broken tired
But life is good even though it won't be long
With a candle comes emotions that dance with the shadows on my wall
What were your thoughts as they went flying through your mind
Compared to what you feel from the bars you're now behind
If they could speak, what do you think they'd say to you
I do believe you'd been better off if you'd just told the truth

Never had a problem til I stood face to face with me
And I wish there was a way for me to go inside so I could see
All the faces of the people who have torn a piece from me
As I grew from a seed to a tree

Can you feel the power of the eye
That's hidden away 5 feet from where we lie
What do you taste when you take a drink of me
Is it to much for me to ask if I asked you to leave
Please just leave, cause I want to be alone

There's a fine line, between love and my feelings for you
High time I washed it all away
Unkind I watch your future burn before you
Denied a chance of any love in your life
And I ask you one time....why?


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