Letra de Deserted de Blind Melon

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Letra de Deserted de Blind Melon

Escrito por Javier
Miercoles, 14 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

Grab my knee and look at me and try to tell me I'll be home soon
Asleep in my bed and unstoned
I'm tired of me this way

I don't know what I've gotten into
But I'm glad that its now instead of sooner
This desert heat has crowded me strong...
With a wish I had for winter

Its not as gentle as it sounds
As though it sounded yesterday
When I heard a leaf of my life hit the ground
As a bottle cap flew from my fingers

I don't know what I've gotten into
But I'm glad that its now instead of sooner
This desert heat has crowded me strong..
With a wish I had for winter
...And the sand blew in my eyes

I stood on the edge and looked down to see
The light of a new life shinning up on me


...with a wish I had
The sand blew in my eyes


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