Letra de Tone of Home de Blind Melon

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Letra de Tone of Home de Blind Melon

Escrito por Javier
Miercoles, 14 Marzo 2007


2 Votos

What do you think they would say
If I stood up and I walked away
Nobody here really understands me, and so I'll wave goodbye , I'm fine

Tones of home
Said you don'tr like the way I'm living
You don't like me
Tones of home, Tones of home
And so I'll wave goodbye
I'm flyin, I'm flyin home

And I always thought this would be
The land of milk and honey
Oh but I come to find out that its all hate and money
And there's a canopy of greed holding me down


< See I'm so high to you, so I'll fade away
I said you're on your own
Your mom and daddy said, and your sister said, and your brother is saying
Everybody, is saying everybody, is saying I, eye, god I gotta go!

All my freinds patronize me and they say yo hey boy have you found what
you're looking for
It seems they don't really know me cause its here, and its what they
can't see....


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