Letra de 2x4 de Blind Melon

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Letra de 2x4 de Blind Melon

Escrito por Javier
Miercoles, 14 Marzo 2007


0 Votos

I'm talkin'
I'm talkin'
I'm talkin' to myself more

Needle, fatal
Someone's pouring warm gravy all over me
And you see that synthetic therapy
Don't you know it seems to be so unappealing
But oh what a feeling
I wish that you would stop spitting when you're talking to me

And inside, air dry
I might want to go another way
But you see now I'm too pale to get out
Into the lovely light of day
Oh, I'll do anything that you say
Oh, I'l do anything that you say
But I wush that you would stop spitting when you're talking to me

I'm talking to myself

Man to man
Stand to stand
Talkin' to myself


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