Letra de Bring 'Em Back Alive de Audioslave

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Letra de Bring 'Em Back Alive de Audioslave

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

I was on my way to the center of the sun
When I lost my wings and fell into a crowd
And they carried me to the hole in the ground
And they buried me
Where no one could see
And no one would be around

I am a virus, I live in silence

I was on my way to a city in the clouds
When I lost my mind and I had to settle down
Then I had a dream of an island in the sea
Where the lepers die
Where no one survives
And no one can hear the cries

I am a virus, I live in silence

And just like the heathens thinking
On our feet we believe in God
And with one step, two steps
Three steps toward the graveyard
On the high road to remembering
It seems that we forgot

I am a virus, I live in silence


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