Letra de Eyes Wide Open de Ashlee Simpson

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Letra de Eyes Wide Open de Ashlee Simpson

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

I could hear her breathing
No one believed me
No one believed me
I could hear those voices
So decieving
So decieving

Cool wind on my face
Cool wind on my face

Do you know how it feels to be afraid
Lying there frozen
With my eyes wide open
Do you know how it feels to find a trace
Of words unspoken
With my eyes wide open
I know your secret
I can feel you calling
I know that you're there I know that you're there
Tell me all your memories
I'll keep them alive I'll keep them alive

Cool wind on my face
Cool wind on my face

I heard you
I felt you
I know so what do you want from me

Cool wind on my face
Cool wind on my face
Cool wind on my face
Cool wind on my face


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