Letra de Giving It All Away de Ashlee Simpson

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Letra de Giving It All Away de Ashlee Simpson

Escrito por Javier
Martes, 31 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Hey you, living for tomorrow
You sell your dreams for a pocket of change
Hey you, smokin' up your sorrow,
Just pointing fingers at someone to blame
Hey you, you turn your back on your children
It's left you in that big burning bed
This life's like livin in the gutter
All this pain just makes you feel dead

You're just givin it all, givin it all away
You're just givin it all, giving it all away, hey, hey yayayay

Slow down
Just look a little closer
You might find thats its not the end
You wonder how, your life can get better
When you're alone you just tear yourself down

You're just givin it all, giving it all away,
You're just givin it all, givin it all away
You're just givin it all, giving it all away,
You're just givin it all, giving it all away, hey, hey yayayay

Try and find your better half now
Open your eyes, and find yourself

Hey girl, screamin for attention
Once you get it, you throw it away
I'm broken, I'm pickin up the pieces
I won't live in all your mistakes

I'm just givin it all, givin it all away
I'm just givin it all, giving it all away,
I'm just givin it all, giving it all away,
I'm just givin it all, giving it all away, hey, hey yayayay


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