Letra de Better Off de Ashlee Simpson

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Letra de Better Off de Ashlee Simpson

Escrito por Javier
Jueves, 19 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

If that's the way you want it
Well there you go
Baby you can have it all,
Now that you just let me go

I waited here for so long
Thinkin' that you'd see
You just kept on runnin' away
You make your misery my company

Open up your eyes
Dont you know you only get one life

Oh, you drive me crazy
Oh, you just bring me down
Look out your window
My sunshine's all around
All you have to do is just surrender, just surrender

All the pain in your heart,
All the tears in your empty soul
And when you're spinnin' round and around
Im the psycho goin' outta control

Open up your eyes
Dont you know youre only wasting time

Oh, you drive me crazy
Oh, you just bring me down
Look out your window
My sunshine's all around
All you have to do is just surrender, just surrender

You know it doesn't matter what you do
Dont you know i'm so over you

Open up your eyes
Dont you know that it's your life

Oh, you drive me crazy
Oh, you just bring me down
Look out your window
My sunshine's all around
All you gotta do...

Oh, you drive me crazy
Oh, you just bring me down
Look out your window
My sunshine's all around
All you gotta do is just surrender, just surrender

If that's the way you want it
Well there you go


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