Letra de Love Makes The World Go Round de Ashlee Simpson

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Letra de Love Makes The World Go Round de Ashlee Simpson

Escrito por Javier
Jueves, 19 Octubre 2006


0 Votos

Here, here I am again
And I'm staring at these same four walls
Alone again
And now, all the colors blend
And I'm growing numb and I've become
This empty page

Hold on, its tragic
Stumbling through all this static

I just wanna talk to you
And my broken heart just has no use
And I, I guess promises are better
left unsaid, yeah
Everytime you try to tell me
You say the words that I'm the only
But I'm the one who's crawling on the ground
When you say love makes the world go 'round

My love, look at what you've done to me
For someone who has felt so strong
It's amazing I'm completely gone

Hold on, its tragic
Stumbling through all this static

I just wanna talk to you
And my broken heart just has no use
And I, I guess promises are better
left unsaid, yeah
Everytime you try to tell me
You say the words that I'm the only
But I'm the one who's crawling on the ground,
When you say love makes the world go 'round

If that's the kind of love you give me
I'd rather be alone, believe me
It's not the way you 'posed to treat me
I'd rather walk away

I just wanna talk to you
And my broken heart just has no use
And I, I guess promises are better
left unsaid, yeah
Everytime you try to tell me
You say the words that I'm the only
But I'm the one who's crawling on the ground,
When you say love makes the world go 'round, yeah
You say love makes the world go 'round
Everytime you try to tell me
I don't care you're not the only
Don't you know I'm coming back around
Cuz I say love makes the world go 'round, yeah
Cuz I say love makes the world go 'round


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