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Letra de Love Is A Loaded Gun de Alice Cooper
Somebody saw you at the station
You had your suitcase in your hand
You didn't give no information
You walked off with another man
I'm alwaays standing in the shadows, baby
I watched you ugive yourself away
You take them home into your bedroom
You had another busy day
I tried to look the other way and fake it
You push me to the limits
I can't take it
One down, one to go
Just another bullet in the chamber
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Red lights, stop and go
Whatcha gonna do when yo play with danger
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
And it shoots to kill
Someday they'll put me in a squad card
Someday they'll throw away the key
But 'til that day I'll be a mad dog
Cuz that's what you taught me to be
You looked into the eyes of men above you
I ws the one who really tried to love you
Pull the trigger
I tried to look the other way and fake it
You know, you push me right to the limit
I can't take it
Somebody saw you at the station
Esta letra es favorita de:
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- POISON - Alice Cooper
- Impossible Love - UB40
- Y si fuera ella - Alejandro Sanz
- Jammin' - Bob Marley
- Redemption Song - Bob Marley
- No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
- Te lo Agradezco, Pero No - Alejandro Sanz
- Silver - Nirvana
- Gris - Los Piojos
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