Letra de I Just Wanna Be God de Alice Cooper

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Letra de I Just Wanna Be God de Alice Cooper

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

I'm in control
I got a bulletproof soul
And I'm full of self-esteem
I invented myself with no one's help
I'm a prototype supreme
I sit on my private throne
And run my lifestyle all alone
Me, myself and I agree
We don't need nobobdy else

I never learned to bow, bend or crawl
To any known authority
I really want to build my statue tall
That's all

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I got no time to take advice
I want to gamble with my eternity
With loaded dice
I don't need a preacher in my face
When I'm the omnipresent ruler of the human race
Ain't gonna
Spend my life being no one's fool
I was born to rock and I was born to rule
But if I'm wrong on judgement day
I'm royally screwed with hell to pay

I never learned to bow, bend or crawl
To any known authority
I really want to build my statue tall
That's all

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God


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