Letra de Give What You Got de Alanis Morissette

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Letra de Give What You Got de Alanis Morissette

Escrito por Napo
Miercoles, 15 Noviembre 2006


0 Votos

You've got to give it all to baby
You know I want it all for me
I wanna get to know you baby
Is that a possibility

Hey, you're my man, I'm your woman
And I'm not too proud to tell you what you do to my head
I'm not kiddin'
You've got everythin' that any girl would want, yes you do
You're just wishin'
Well it's time you know the truth and that is
When you are beggin' me for money
Just got to tell me what you need
But if you want my lovin' buddy
You've got to get down on your knees

You've got to give what you got and take what I'm givin' you baby
You've got to want what you see and see what I'm givin' away

Hey, stick with me, I'm your momma
And you can run to momma every time your skin you knee
No one ever,
Could ever take your place, the way you move makes me hot
Let me tell you,
You won't be satisfied without me

You've got to give it all to baby
You know I want it all for me
I wanna get to know you baby
Is that a possibility



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